Fresh Breath Clinic

Don’t be embarrassed by your bad breath, we are here to help.

What to expect @ the Fresh Breath Clinic led by Dr Kealey Harding BDS

Your First appointment, will be a short, pain free, non-intrusive examination. Dr Harding will gently examine the inside of your mouth to work out if the cause of your bad breath is likely to be found in your mouth. If we suspect an extra-oral cause we will of course organise the relevant referral to a hospital specialist. (This examination does not replace a full dental examination).

Your Second appointment, will be a more in depth examination recording gum condition, cleanliness of teeth and areas that are not being cleaned correctly. We will show these to you with a disclosing agent. We will also take radiographs so that we have a comprehensive assessment of your mouth. After this appointment, we will give you a fully costed treatment plan fully tailored to your needs of how we intend to proceed.

We will then carry out the treatment that is required which will be followed by a three month assessment. This will allow us to assess how well your gums have reacted to the treatment, highlight any areas of concern and see how you are getting on with your new oral health regime.

Bad Breath or Halitosis can have a terrible impact on you socially and it is even something your best friends can be reluctant to mention.

There are over 80 different causes for Halitosis but around 75% are caused by something going on in your mouth. It can also be caused by extra-oral causes – problems with the respiratory system, the digestive tract or of systemic origin.

The diagnosis of these extra-oral causes is rarely straightforward, which is why visiting the Fresh Breath Clinic to eliminate the most likely cause, a problem in your mouth, is the logical first step.


Bad Breath Consultation

Gum Disease Consultation

Removal of supra-gingival calculus and Biofilm

Periodontal Initial Assessment (30mn)

In order to formulate a diagnosis, Dr Harding will assess your periodontal status including bleeding index, tooth mobility, recession, calculus & deposits.

Dr Harding will then discuss her findings with you and determine an initial treatment plan for which a full treatment estimate will be given to you.

You will also be given oral health advice prior to the commencement of your treatment which will be your next visit.

Some radiographs (Periapical X-rays) will be required to show a whole tooth, please be aware that you might require several teeth to be radiographed.

Periapical X-ray (per tooth)                                                                           £18

(if multiple X-rays are required a discount will be applied)

Periodontal treatment under local anaesthetic (45mn)

2 Quadrants per visit


We Can Help

Established for over 40 years, our professional and experienced team offer a whole range of treatments to make sure your teeth are as fit and healthy as they can be.